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Alberto Cannetta and Luciana Damiani, founded a school in Cambodia: Il Nodo. This onlus has the purpose to help some young teenagers find their own way, in Cambodia.
Il nodo helps these young students in learning a work, so that they can create a future for themself and their family.
Thanks #ilnodo, it has been a pleasure to give our small contribution.
"Vite" in Italian means both life and object that envelops. People's lives are intertwined in ever new plots, some deeper, some less. "Vite" is a set of ring and bracelet which are two intertwined objects, the jewel can therefore be expanded, separated, or worn together with a special person.

anelli e bracciali VITE - Il Nodo Onlus

anelli VITE - Il Nodo Onlus

anelli VITE - Il Nodo Onlus
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